The Gromble | Orange County Concert Photographer

It was a pleasure to photograph The Gromble last night at Orange County DIY in Lake Forest, CA. This little venue is quickly becoming a favorite of mine to shoot at. They keep booking fantastic bands and it's a rad little spot in south Orange County. Upstairs there's a studio owned by The Gromble where artists are recorded and produced by the drummer, Stefan Mac.
Hope you enjoy these photos and be sure to check out the band's music.

Venue: Orange County DIY located at North Dwarf Records in Lake Forest, CA.

Check out our instagram page for daily updates and give our Facebook page a "like".

- Sarah

The Shakes & Dear Kora | Orange County Documentary Photographer

Last night I attended a small show for local bands in Lake Forest, CA. The opener was The Shakes. They were a fun alternative indie rock band that moved people to dance which I really enjoyed. And next up was Dear Kora. I loved their emotional vibe and hint of Flyleaf tone. They really captured the audience and even had a mosh pit going at the end.

In the past when I have done concert photography I have solely focused on the band but now with the documentary mindset, I found myself focusing on the fans and getting the raw emotion of the show.

I shot in RAW but I put my settings to Monochrome (Black & White) in camera, knowing that I could see them in color later when editing. While editing, I decided I liked how the majority of photos looked in Black & White and stuck with that. 

Hope you enjoy :)

Venue: Orange County DIY located at North Dwarf Records in Lake Forest, CA.

Check out our instagram page for daily updates and give our Facebook page a "like".

- Sarah

[Picture Passion] Dance

For my final project in one of my classes at Chapman University, I was instructed to make a 2-3 minute mini documentary about someone and something that they do. I chose to make a film about my friend Chloe and her passion for dancing. As I finished editing, I decided that I wanted this to be the first mini doc in a series about people and their passions. I absolutely Love when people are passionate about something and I want to capture that on film. So if you would like a short video showcasing your passion, let me know. Let's make it happen! 

Feel free to leave your comments below about this film or any suggestions of future films!